Just want to update on my current health status..
Cyst and endo part 4..
Huhu, now that its already december, rasa da tak lama da lagi operation membuangkan segala y tak patut. And yes, the doc already decided to remove my endo cyst on the 20th dec nanti.. :'(
Happy atau sedih?
Im not so sure..
The diagnosis was like:

And the lab result was like:

Ok. As being a pharmacist i ada advantage untuk buka charting doc2 tsebut.. >_<
Berbalik ngn cte asal..
Cyst tu berukuran 3x4 bila kami mle2 berkenalan. Masa neh i cek kat hosp bersalin rawang dan double konfem kat kpj ampang puteri. That was a week bfore raya tahun ni. Then pegi cek balik kat hosp tempat i bekerja. Alang2.. sng nak f/up dan ada xtra advantage sbb staff. Mse cek balik (kat o&g) tempat i bkerja, cyst da menggemuk to 6cm.
Just for information endo cyst (cyst y menumpang kat ovari kanan i neh) nama lainnye adalah blood cyst. So kate doc mmg kne buang..
Tapi bout a week ago (sndri2 cek kat private clinic) ada buat ultra sound balik, cyst da 4cm! I ade tanye kat anaes doctor td. Since ada anaes appointment hari ni. Die kate that one thing need to be discuss with the o&g team drs. Maksudnye bila aku admit 19 dec nti.. Lpe nk infom during laporascopy, next after buang2 sme y patut (cyst dan endo) die akan cek tube aku skali.
Lepas rehat2 around january, hubby akan buat semen test. Then proceed ngn test2 kesuburan lain.. (ape tu?) oho aku pn tatau >_<
What im feeling rite now? Again the same question.. Just hoping for the best. Some miracle from Allah.. In sha Allah~ :')
Now at the anaes clinic.. Waiting for my turn~

Hari ni birthday my hubby aka bos aka kumbang.. ^_^
Happy birthday abg! Love u lots~ smge panjang umur. Murah rezki..
"Ya Allah, sekiranya Engkau merasakan aku dan suami ku telah bersedia menjadi seorg ibu dan ayah, Engkau kurniakanlah kami zuriat"
"Robbihabli milladun ka zurriatan toyyiban innaka antassamiul 'alim"
Smge kami dikurniakan zuriat y soleh dan solehah insyaAllah~
Till then,
#Lots of luv
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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