Lame benaw asenya aku x update blog neh..
Its already been a month to be exact 19/12/12 19/1/13 since my laparoscopy ops. Alhamdulillah.. Da beransur sehat ;)
InsyaAllah aku akan ceritakan from a to z pengalamn aku neh. At least boleh dijadikan panduan untuk semua.
Macammne aku detect/boleh taw penyakit neh? Mesti ramai y tetanya2 kan? Iyelah. Benda dalaman. Mne la boleh npk..
Actually on may 2012 lagi aku da ase cam pelik sket kat tummy aku. Mcm berdenyut2 gtu. Xspecially bila "bersama".. Bukan setiap masa, tapi ada time2 mmg ada ase cam sakit sket.. Disebabkan curiosity y meninggi aku g staff clinic kat spital aku (my workplace). At that time i was being referred to the o & g clinic but then bila aku sampai kat situ. Staff yang poyo kate, aku tak ada ppe. Katanya sakit sket tu normalla. Uit. Die pandai2 buat assumption dan came out dgn diagnosis sendri without referring the letter that i gave to her to the doctor first? -_- Kata beliau benda tu normal. Dan kate aku neh tak perlu jpe doktor. Omg, nurses nowadays.. (agaknye kalau aku datang pakai overall putih aku berani tak dorang bagi opinion macamtu).. -_-"
Ofkos la aku tak percaya cakap nurse tu. You need to trust your own body.. Later lepas tu ktorang ke private hosp near our house. Doktor do some examinations dan tunjukkan ultrasound uterus dan ovari aku. Left ovary and uterus look ok. Tapi on my right ovary kata beliau ada cyst. The dr explained and said that it look like endometrial cyst with the size of 4x4cm! :"( sedih dan terkejutnya time tu. Dr ada bagi ubat. But then being in the medical line, having to see all sorts of medication in my workplace. Trust me, i dont like drugs! Even panadol. I wont take it unless kalau aku btol2 taleh tahan sakit kepala. Atau dmm tak surut2. Even that aku boleh amek painkiller etoricoxib 120mg tu. I still choose to take only panadol. Sbb kalau boleh aku tanak expose badan sendri ngn chemical2 sme tu (ok, da out of topic). So aku tak makan pn ubat2 tu. The explanation was good on the diagnosis but then they didnt explained much on the drugs and as for what did i need to take it.
On august 2012, abg bawak GL die (trust me theres a lot of thing that we did to get the GL - dugaan dan ujian neh - kne byk sabar). Kami ke kpj ampang plak. Kali neh to double confirm. The diagnosis came out the same. Dr suggest buat akhir august. But then, since masa tu tgh akhir ramadhan. Aku decide untuk tangguh dlu.. Cyst by that time still 4x4cm.
On september 2012 after going back to the staff clinic with the ultrasoud images and having the chance to complain abt what had happened on may at the o & g clinic. I finally get an appointment date at the o & g clinic. Aku pilih untuk buat kat hosp tempat aku bekerja je. Disebabkan faktor masa dan privelege y ada (senang - time kje ley klua jap g appt). Terkne jgk akhirnya staff kat kaunter. Sbb doctor kat staff clinic tulis balik event y berlaku may aitu dalam referrel letter aku. Ade plak pandai2 kate tade ppe. Atleast kasi la doktor lain kat dalam tu baca dlu referrel letter..
On october 2012, (appt date y da setup sejak sept aitu) aku ke clinic o & g. Slps check up and everything dr btaw yang cyst aku da bersaiz 6cm! Again it was being diagnosed as endometrial cyst. Laparoscopy ops was scheduled on december 2012. Aku nk ckp mcmmne lagi.. Go on je la. Benda da ada dlm bdn kan..
So bermula la saat yang dinanti2 kan tu..
December 2012,
Laparoscopy ops was scheduled on 19 dec (thursday). Aku da mtk cti awal2 tuk tenangkan fikiran la kononnye ^_^ so on 16 & 17 tu aku cti, aku goyang2 kaki kat umah :) sambil surf tenet ppe yang patot tuk meningkatkan lagi info aku pasal laparoscopy procedure dan cyst aku neh. Kemas2 barang dan bersedia apa y patot.
Mak dan abah sampai dr kg selasa tu.. Time tu debaran ds mle terasa..
On wednesay 18 dec 2012, the day i was being scheduled to be admit into the ward.. Rumah aku da mle penuh ngn kehadiran adik beradik aku y lain. Terharu ;')
At abt 9++, ktorang smue bergerak ke hosp. Sampai kat registration counter. The staff ask for me whether i want to be admitted into the 1st class ward (since i have the privilege of it) or to just go into ward 11c. But then since theres no more empty bed in the 1st class ward. Aku pilih je ward 11c 2nd class room.
Sesampainye aku kat ward, nurses immediately started taking bp, asking abt my weight and height. Then i go straight into the ultrasound room to check for my cyst. Percaya atau tak? Cyst tu da jd 4 cm balik! Alhamdulillah. Aku siap tye. Kalau mcm tu kne buat jgk ke? Then die senyum je kte kne buat jgk since aku punye cyst neh blood cyst. The doctor then informed y case aku neh case y kelima. The last case untuk hari esok. Aku ok je. Since aku pn tak confirmkan balik yang aku nak buat ke tak laparoscopy neh. Ok, ceritanya macam neh, the doctor called a week before i think, tapi phone aku kong haritu. Aku plak mmg tau ada ananymous phone num appear on my phone lepas aku on kan phone tp aku tatau la plak spe kan. Aku ada baca jgk charting (explaining again: aku boleh baca charting sendiri dlm computerised charting by the dr in the hosp since i was a staff-only permitted staff shj y boleh baca-bukan semua-takot korang risau plak cam semua org boleh baca >_<) y tulis ada doktor "called but phone was turn off". Just tulis nama dr tanpa department mane2. Taleh nak pick up la.. Tulis tu je. Aku plak call byk doktor setiap ari.. Ada follow up lagi kat department lain. Who can pick up that it was from the o&g clinic. So end up ngn jadi case ke 5 during the operation day. Xpela.. Itupn rezqi (ada org tak berkesempatan nak buat langsung) fikir positif ;)
Malam 18 dec tu dr kasi midazolam half tab tuk relaxkan minda dan badan aku neh jgn stress sgt. Lebih krg cam ubat tdo. Aku ambil ubat tu tp tak lena sgt pn. Aih. Cmmne pn mesti ada stress sket jgk kan..
On 19 dec 2012, doctor set line.. At around 12pm after fasting for abt 12 hours since midnight.. Aku pn dikjotkan tuk bersiap sedia masuk ke ot.
Laparoscopy aku abes lebih krg 3 jam lepas masuk ot room. Abg ddk tak berganjak dr kat lua tu, kate mak.. Tharu.. :')
Ops was ok. Everything turn out well. Lepas je sedar aku tros menggigil yang amat sangat. Sejuk. Apa yang aku terdengar during recovery dlm ot tu, bp aku ada drop jap. Around 70. Normal one should be 120. The nurses in there informed the doctor. They checked the bp every 5mins and after abt 30mins everything goes to normal.. Alhamdulillah and i was sent back to the ward.
First thing first that the nurse told me was to drink some water since i was being fasting the whole day. Aku ada rase nausea tapi not in a bad way that end up in vomiting. Just ase tak sedap dan nak termuntah. Aku infom nurse. Dan katanya kalau trok lagi diorang akan bagi any anti emetic drugs. But alhamdulillah later after that lepas dah minum2 air sket. Aku da rse ok. Da boleh makan dan ke bilik air da lepas tu. Berjingkit-jingkit but alhamdulillah masih termampu lagi..
Then during ward round (doctor routine to check patient condition).. Doctor explained yang die dah keluarkan cyst aku tu. Liver normal uterus normal both the fallopian tubes were normal. Alhamdulillahh..... Doc ada explained jgk, tube belah kiri ada sempit sket tapi die da besarkan dan dye berjalan dgn normal lepas tu.. Katenya aku da nampak ok sbb baru 2-3 jam operation da boleh senyum dan makan-makan sket.. ;) aku tanak menyusahkan org lain je sbnrnya..

Part 2 will be coming soon - recovery at home
Till then,
Luv, xoxo ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Alhamdulillah op awak berjalan lancar...
jaga diri bebaik yer....berpantang and moga cepat smbuh..
Alhamdulillah atie nash..
InsyaAllah wan nisae.. ;)
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